Ditag oleh Iejan.
Mekaseh ler mmbuatkn ak 'ter' plan sket psl isu kawen ak. hahaha..
1.How old are you?
Mekaseh ler mmbuatkn ak 'ter' plan sket psl isu kawen ak. hahaha..
1.How old are you?
i'll be 18 dis Dec, adeii.. mude lg ak rpenye, ha3~
2.Are you single?
ye lerr.. spe la nk kt ak nih, hahaha~
3.At what age do you think you'll get married?
plannye, dlm 25-30 taon. Tp ak dh jnji ngn mak ak xnk kawen awl2. Adehh, mgkn lewat 20-an gak kot, jgn lbey 30 sudeh~
plannye, dlm 25-30 taon. Tp ak dh jnji ngn mak ak xnk kawen awl2. Adehh, mgkn lewat 20-an gak kot, jgn lbey 30 sudeh~
4.Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
adehh.. I'm single now!!.. rilek lerr~ pelan2 la..
5.If not, who do you want to marry?
lme agi~ nnt jmpe la spe yg nk ak kawen ngn dy, n dy pon nk kawen ngn ak. hahaha~
6.Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
ntah.. xpnh tpike lak~
7.Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
neither.. nk style ak sndirik, haha.
8.Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
aaaaaaaa... dunno~ x plan lg.
9.How many guests do you think you'll invite?
hohohoho.. infinity!
10.Will that include your exes?
11.How many layers of cake do you want?
err, kne tnye bakal isteri, ak x taw.. haha.
12.When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
13.Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding
lgu yg slow2, bg org ngntok, then tido.. haha.
lgu yg slow2, bg org ngntok, then tido.. haha.
14.Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
psl makan2 nih, ak xnk wt decision, bg org len. Bnyk bnde len psl kawen yg lg pntg ak prlu wt kputusan, haha..
15.Champagne or red wine?
16.Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
kalo bnyk duit, buat la cepat2. Kalo xde pn xpe.. Buang duit jer, hahaha..
17.Money or household items?
Money lerr.. Tp ikot le owg nk kasi per kn..
18.How many kids would you like to have?
at least 5, depend on rezki laaa.. n brdsrkn prsetujuan kedue2 belah pihak, hak3~
19.Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
nnt ak tnye bakal ak, hahaha..
20.Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
spe2 nk cte, cte lerr...
Drp org yg same..
35 Little Secrets:
Be honest no matter what!
[1] Who was your last text from?
adham.. mmbe samten ak dlu. Meraikn kmngn liverpool mmbntai aston villa 5-0!!!.. haha~
[2] Where was your default pic taken?
umah mak long~
[3]Your relationship status?
complicated.. hahahaha~
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?
x pnh kot. Sume mmbe2 lme still keep in touch lg. Cume kureng rpt kot.
[5] What is your current mood?
fresh!! cne fresh tuh, xya cte rr..
[6] What's your brother's name?
mujahid(21/married), hassanain(11)
[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?
putih, kuning, itam, coklat, aaa.. snng cte x spesifik. ikot la combination dy. Wrne x feveret pon, kalo kne combination, jd feveret gak..
[8] Where do you wish you were right now?
[9] Have a crazy side?
crazy, but unique.. haha~
[10] Ever had a near death experience?
[11] Something you do a lot?
planning 4 the future, hahaa..
[12] Angry at anyone?
[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
errr.. xde keyakinan. haha. Mndlm mksud tuh~
[14]When was the last time you cried?
xda.. kalo ade pon, wtpe bgtw.. haha~
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
muhasabah diri yg hino, mrncng ari esok, pstu hope bule bgn awl n snng utk esok pagi.
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
firdaus izaraee, ckp psl bnde yg secret.. x bule bgtw.
[18] What are your favorite songs?
xda feveret lgu larr. Tp suke lagu yg brtemakan keamanan. Muzik pon x bule slow sgt.
[19] What are you doing right now?
tgh research psl mse depan, haha.
[20] Who do you trust right now?
Allah of course.
Parent, siblings..
yg len tu sket jer..sbb most people slalu ckp based on kpntgn msng2, walo sebaek mne n sepande mne pn dowg.
Parent, siblings..
yg len tu sket jer..sbb most people slalu ckp based on kpntgn msng2, walo sebaek mne n sepande mne pn dowg.
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
t-shirt kp, mse gi lawatan ke langkawi 2007.
[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
ramai. haha.. sbb bnyk sdare dtg umah, then bnyk gi umah sdare2.
[23] What is your lucky number?
x pnh ade~
[24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
rmai.. kne bhgikn ikot section. Mmbe baek kisas, samten, skola rendah, n mmbe yg dok setaman. Nk listkn, x ya rr..
[25] Describe your life in one word.
Searching for the truth..
Searching for the truth..
[26] Who are you thinking of right now?
uihh.. siyes secret. Dy pon x taw ak tgh pike psl dy. hahaha~
uihh.. siyes secret. Dy pon x taw ak tgh pike psl dy. hahaha~
[27] What should you be doing right now?
Adeiii.. bnyk laaa. Skip2!
Adeiii.. bnyk laaa. Skip2!
[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
[29] What are you listening to?
xde dnga ppe. Hnye bunyi keyboard yg ditekan2 n bunyi mouse yg diklik2 jek, haha~
[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
[2]Embah Wedhok= nenek.
[3]Embah lanang=Atok.
(dalam bhse Jawe)
So snng cte, nenek ak ler. haha~
[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?
xde suke suki pon.
[33] What is your natural hair color?
aaa.. lu pike la sndirik!
[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
[35] Who will be tagged by u?
x suke mngetag org nih!..
baek punye marriage plan ko ltk, keh8~
crazy but unique...aiseyh, piker sebentar.. haha~
p/s: "lupe lak bdk ni ade darah Jaw*".. haha~ balek kg slalu, sedare ramai, xkn x pandei ckp? haha~
iso ngomong jowo x??
ke sket2 je?
haha..sah2 jawe slangor an?
embah ko moyang ke nenek rr?
arwah embahku moyang..
107 taon..
alfatihah buat embah~
bnyknye soklan yg bahaye/pelik2.
last person that make you laught.
x kan da lupe.wonderpet 2.huhu...
~abu huzaifah~
bgos kn, ak tw,
untong spe kawen ngn ak senanye, haha..~
stu lg, ak xde la murtad totally jawe,
nk speaking jawe sket2 bule rr..
ko ni darah jawe gak ek?
ak iso la citit2 ngomong jowo,
slalu ngomong kar0 sdare belah bpk ak,
btoi ke ak ckp tuh, x taw2~
ak jawe slgr aa..
hehe..pe nta nih,
cane bkl istri idamanmu?
slalu qiam?
bijak fdhu ain/kifayah?
slalu pg masjid/kuliah?
pemurah dlm bab sedekah?
yg pling cntik penah nta jumpe?
atau sume di atas?
tlg jwb erk.
p/s:jgn kawin ngan pompuan yg ske pkai sluar jeans
~abu huzaifah~
tu perfect dah tu abu oi..
payah nak jumpe..
1 dalam 9999999999999999999999999
pe kes nih, hehe.
kalo nk tgok requirementnye, bnyk..
so, an decide carik je dlu, then baru tgok baek burok~
ni topik org dewase r(kite remaja)~
hmm,bgus la cam2.
bosan bangat ckp psl pompuan,
kawin, anak ape sume ni.
wat sakit ati je.
wat la post baru cpat2.
tnggalkn tag mengetag ni
kejap.tp ana prefer bce
artikel yg pndek2 je.
~unstealable heart~
mcm besh je tag ni..haha!
iye ke..
x sgke lak ade org suke..
so, dgn rasminye ak tag ko!
ak tag ngn org yg bminat jerr~
dlm diam merncang gak..
leh thn ko ni....
bkn sngaje mrncg, 'ter'merancang..
ko pon xnk mrncg ke?
dye nih mmndg jauh ke depan
xgitu KU?
no komen...
cehh awe..
sejaoh2 ak mrncg, xde la sejaoh ko mrncg..
lg giler,
nk carik dr la,
then nk amek datuk/datin lah..
pstu nk g0diva lah(ni ape??, haha)
ak rilek2 jer..
x gitu TKU brkalibEr??~
no komen..
xya jd cm awe,
kije nk mngomen ak jer.
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